China calls for global EV battery standardization · TechNode

>阿拉后花园 千花网BHY>43692024-06-02 20:45:34

China is hoping to standardize EV batteries internationally, with former Minister of Industry and Information Technology Miao Wei proposing modified standards and simplified specifications for batteries during a speech at the World Power Battery Conference on June 9. Miao pointed out that there are more than 145 specifications for batteries used in electric vehicles at present. Miao hopes further uniformity will aid large-scale production and reduce costs. Many production lines today are only partially utilized, with a utilization rate of around 45% to 70%, leading to the underutilization of resources when customer demand fluctuates. However, some battery manufacturers may want to make their products competitive by differentiation and diversification, which could cause resistance to battery standardization in the short term, one expert told Chinese media outlet Caixin. [Caixin, in Chinese]

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